Responses to The End of an Era

Messages We’ll add new messages as they come in with the most recent on top. 05/22/21 Jurgis Brakas I did a quick check on the internet to see what was happening in Wickford. Seems quite a bit since the Pandemic. Sorry to hear about the loss of tangible memories and possessions. I share the pain.ContinueContinue reading “Responses to The End of an Era”

The End of an Era

George and Dominic Zachorne’s boatshop in Wickford Rhode Island burned to the ground in the early hours of September Tenth. My sense of loss echoes what I felt in the wake of the Notre Dame fire and has forced me to stop and consider what’s to come of this. Gone… We, more than anyone, understandContinueContinue reading “The End of an Era”

Vessels of Escape?

Sterling Hayden was a good actor. Who can forget his mad air force general muttering about precious bodily fluids while orchestrating the end of the world in Dr. Strangelove? He was a sailor. Perhaps the quintessential American Twentieth Century sailor. He provided the model so many have aspired to. He was the creative spirit, wildContinueContinue reading “Vessels of Escape?”

Robert Olson, a 15′ Dayboat

When I was in boat school Robert Olson was my neighbor on West Quoddy Head. He was the caretaker there, and a lobsterman, and someone I came to think of as a friend. He never took the time to go sailing. Always too busy for that! But I would like to dedicate this design toContinueContinue reading “Robert Olson, a 15′ Dayboat”

In Memoriam, David Moses Bridges

I’m sorry to read of the death of David Moses Bridges. My loss has been to have never known of him while he was alive. Take a look at this video and see why. The Portland Press Herald ran this Obituary. He’s joined the Ancestors. May his, may their ways not be forgotten.