Vessels of Escape?

Sterling Hayden was a good actor. Who can forget his mad air force general muttering about precious bodily fluids while orchestrating the end of the world in Dr. Strangelove? He was a sailor. Perhaps the quintessential American Twentieth Century sailor. He provided the model so many have aspired to. He was the creative spirit, wildContinueContinue reading “Vessels of Escape?”

Avalon, a 106′ Schooner

Avalon is based on the schooners that fished the Grand Banks at the turn of the Twentieth Century. They marked the end-point of an evolution that had been ongoing for some three hundred years. They came to be right at the time engines and oil changed everything. At the other end of that excursion fromContinueContinue reading “Avalon, a 106′ Schooner”

Finding Passage

Where do we start?Where we are is broken. Lies in tatters. Corrupt. We’re mired in toxic imitations of vitality.So many things are broken. Things we’ve forgotten what they were for.We are broken. Caught between our past and our loss of connection. Stuck in the ways we learned how to behave. Traumas endured and perpetrated. WeContinueContinue reading “Finding Passage”

Chasing after the new, the trap of innovation.

Just look around you. What we see is what collapse looks like. It’s not the dramatic plot of some Apocalyptic movie. Such flashy spectacles are just a symptom of our decline. In the end it’s not only our inability to adapt to changing conditions that holds us in its grip. We are in collapse becauseContinueContinue reading “Chasing after the new, the trap of innovation.”

Who Teaches Whom… and How?

…And let’s not forget,”Why?” My involvement with boats has always been intertwined with learning. I don’t think this is unique. Every interaction we have with boats involves some element of learning, sharing skills and passing them along. Boats teach us, and they catalyze learning.This is one of their greatest powers. How do we begin toContinueContinue reading “Who Teaches Whom… and How?”

Cross-post from Antonio Dias Design, Factory 1-d Launched!

April, 21, 2021, In checking links on updating this site I’ve discovered that The Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory website is down. Just got these images from Victoria Guidi, Program Director at the Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory. This one says it all! The Purple Lady – the kids chose the color and the name – sailingContinueContinue reading “Cross-post from Antonio Dias Design, Factory 1-d Launched!”