Vessels of Escape?

Sterling Hayden was a good actor. Who can forget his mad air force general muttering about precious bodily fluids while orchestrating the end of the world in Dr. Strangelove? He was a sailor. Perhaps the quintessential American Twentieth Century sailor. He provided the model so many have aspired to. He was the creative spirit, wildContinueContinue reading “Vessels of Escape?”

In Memoriam, David Moses Bridges

I’m sorry to read of the death of David Moses Bridges. My loss has been to have never known of him while he was alive. Take a look at this video and see why. The Portland Press Herald ran this Obituary. He’s joined the Ancestors. May his, may their ways not be forgotten.

A new school

It’s not a question of how to design a boatIt’s a question of why A boat’s design affects everything it does. Boats are potent symbols. Their form, the entire aesthetic out of which they grow, affects our perception of them. As we interact with our boats their forms change our lives. A boat needs aContinueContinue reading “A new school”

Yearning for a purpose

When I wrote Designer & Client this is what I saw:So much of what we do is… required of us.……no one is forcing us to have a pleasure boat. No practical purpose is fulfilled by owning one… A boat is an opportunity to create a dream and act on it. Most such dreams are modest:ContinueContinue reading “Yearning for a purpose”

Finding Passage

Where do we start?Where we are is broken. Lies in tatters. Corrupt. We’re mired in toxic imitations of vitality.So many things are broken. Things we’ve forgotten what they were for.We are broken. Caught between our past and our loss of connection. Stuck in the ways we learned how to behave. Traumas endured and perpetrated. WeContinueContinue reading “Finding Passage”