A new school

It’s not a question of how to design a boatIt’s a question of why A boat’s design affects everything it does. Boats are potent symbols. Their form, the entire aesthetic out of which they grow, affects our perception of them. As we interact with our boats their forms change our lives. A boat needs aContinueContinue reading “A new school”

Finding Passage

Where do we start?Where we are is broken. Lies in tatters. Corrupt. We’re mired in toxic imitations of vitality.So many things are broken. Things we’ve forgotten what they were for.We are broken. Caught between our past and our loss of connection. Stuck in the ways we learned how to behave. Traumas endured and perpetrated. WeContinueContinue reading “Finding Passage”

Cross-Post from Fine Lines: Notes on Craft

The trouble with talking about Craft is that everyone thinks they already know what it is. Let’s take a deep breath and set all those assumptions aside.Easier said than done. To begin, here’s some of what Craft is not:BackwardAnachronistic, and therefore not a viable way to proceed. Continue…

Who Teaches Whom… and How?

…And let’s not forget,”Why?” My involvement with boats has always been intertwined with learning. I don’t think this is unique. Every interaction we have with boats involves some element of learning, sharing skills and passing them along. Boats teach us, and they catalyze learning.This is one of their greatest powers. How do we begin toContinueContinue reading “Who Teaches Whom… and How?”

Craft Incorporates Values

Craft incorporates value.All Craft does. Crap Craft incorporates crap values. This isn’t a bug. It’s a feature.Behind any craft there is a drive to embody and express value. For social creatures in a fluid universe this aspect is more crucial than any purported “practical” value. We “need” tools and implements, transport, storage vessels…. We don’tContinueContinue reading “Craft Incorporates Values”

Craft Untethered

The last post broached the subject of the complicity of our boating heritage.It shouldn’t come as much of a shock, but it does.This disillusion strikes close to home.It resides in the silence of guilt and taboo, where our discomfort is unmoored from its cause – deemed too painful, intractable to any possibility of address –ContinueContinue reading “Craft Untethered”